by Alexander Kapustnikov
Among physicists educated in SDU the personality of Victor Isaackovich Ogiyevetsky is distinguished.
Victor Isaackovich was born in our city Dnepropetrovsk and studied in our University. He chose the specialty "theoretical physics" and till the end of his life he remained true to his choice.
In 1954 he got the degree of physico-mathematical sciences candidate in the physical institute named after L.M.Lebedev in Moscow, where he got acquainted with Academician I.Y.Tamm. This happy meeting defined his scientific interests and fate. In 1956 V.I.Ogievetsky came to the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, a small place of the great science near Moscow. Just here he had been working till the last days of his life.
From the beginning of 1970-th Doctor Ogievetsky directed the sector of supersymmetry in the laboratory of theoretical physics of JINR. He concentrates on the new conception of superfields and superspace, owing to which he became known all over the world. The work on this theme was published in 1979 in the journal "Success of physical science" and until now it is distinguished by transparence and completeness of account. In this period Ogievetsky headed in Dubna the group of young scientists, who were captured by his idea concerning supersymmetric geometry of superfield theories. This approach allowed him to discover in 1979 the main principle of supergravity.
V.I.Ogievetsky created a great scientific school. For his followers he was not only the tutor but also impartial man and man of principle with high professional and creative attitude to science. His brilliant individuality, extraordinary friendliness and frankness attracted colleagues and friends to him from the whole world. Ogievetsky adjusted contacts between researchers in Dubna and many prominent scientists in the West, constantly maintained relations with collaborators of the Dnepropetrovsk State University department of theoretical physics.
During the last years of his life Victor Isaakovich worked hard abroad in prominent centers of theoretical physics, where surprised his new colleagues with the depth of his mind.
In 1987 Ogievetsky was awarded the Prize named after I.Y.Tamm of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1992 he was awarded the Prize of the Humboldt Foundation.
V.I.Ogievetsky died in March 23, 1996. We lost the great scientist and a wonderful person too early.
His memory was revered by articles in leading physical journals of the world and by the organization of the international conference in Dubna, his works, the scientific branch started by him remain an important part of modern physics.